Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Continental roll conatins four different meat stuffs. At least four. Why is it called a continental roll? Only the Lord and saviour knows. Wow. What a great post. fuck.

Ok, I now go to class with teenagers. I think they might think I'm one of them. I'm akin to a sociologist on in situ ethnographic observation. I have emersed myself in a new world. Things are 'gay', dudes who drive commodores are 'mad c***ts', and it's cool to play soccer with rolled up paper. "WE'RE NOT IN SCHOOL ANYMORE!!!!! I'M GOING TO HAVE A CIGARETTE EVEN THOUGH I DON'T SMOKE!!!!"

Anyway, I don't want to let them know I started uni before they started high school. Little bitches might turn on me.
"What the hell does this project brief say? We're only TAFE students!"