Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hay Feverus

It's swooping season. I may be a little bit paranoid but I've got a feeling that the birds are out to get me. There may be some rumours flying around that I am scared of birds. These rumours are malicious and total unfounded. I'm not scared. I just don't happen to like birds or being anywhere near them. That's why I get edgy when they come too close when I'm eating outside or run until I get to my car when I walk through a park. I'm angry at them and feel I may say something that I may regret later on when I'm in the bath and thinking about ways to get muscly that don't involve lifting heavy things or exercise.

Birds seem to try and exert this one flaw in my character. The other day a mudlark (a poorman's magpie if ever there was one(and there is- it's a mudlark or skunk of the sky as they are commonly known in my front yard by me)) tried to bring it as I was walking out my drive way. It squawked something really dumb and tried to get all up in my amazingly amazing hair. Luckily I was carrying a carton of beer (because I am a total maddog) and was able to hoist it above my head and duck and crab walk through the park to my friend's house otherwise I might have looked strange. It's like the bronx out here. Or like bronchitis. So much pollen that my eyes cry real tears.


ornithologist said...

Wow, Mudlark and NOT Shrike.Who'd have thought this flotsam would be educational.

Anonymous said...

I refer to Grallina cyanoleuca commonly known as the magpie lark. I'm not sure why I call it a mud lark. No fluoride in the water when I was a kid. Definitely not a shrike. I've never even heard of a shrike. But I have made a 'shrike' by dragging a filing cabinet along a road. And then a 'splosh' as it missed a yacht.

friend of the Big Swamp said...

definitely not a Shrike.NO ILLEGAL DUMPING

Anonymous said...

flly sck