Friday, March 11, 2011

Pongi's Kitchen 2

Oh Pongi! What becomes of you? Another adventure? Ahh, that is pleasing. Watch out for Conga. I fear he does not have your best interests at heart.


Anonymous said...

oh pongi!

So wasteful.

sierra oscar said...

two plod just let themselves on my premises, apparently johnny citizen had reported two scuffy herberts acting suspicious around my gaff.I was about to have my civil liberties severely pounded upon when a ray of street light broke through the trees and landed on my milky white skin, thus ruling me out as a suspect.I wasn't scared HARD AS F?CK I AM.

As for this Pongi sequal i'm not sure,i fear it may riding on the coat tails of the first one a bit too much but i'll wait for the directors cut to pass final judgement

Anonymous said...

This pleases me greatly! I love Pongi's devil may care 'tude and his giant locks that scream 'im here on time'.